Resident Stories

Resident Stories

Where You Live Matters

Operation Pathways

MISSION Operation Pathways provides and coordinates place-based programs and services for residents in affordable housing communities to increase quality of life. VISION Vibrant housing communities where residents are engaged, empowered, and supported to live to their fullest potential.

The Operation Pathways’ community centers, located within our properties, provide a safe environment for residents to meet and develop relationships—building a greater sense of community. We want our neighbors and friends to see that we are committed to strengthening our communities as we focus on educational, health and wellness, and financial well-being programs. Through our impactful, innovative, and holistic services, we create opportunities for families to increase their self-sufficiency. Building on the generosity of your contributions and the commitment of our resident services coordinators, communities across the country are being restored and invigorated. Thank you for your invaluable help in making this possible.

About Operation Pathways Operation Pathways, a subsidiary of The NHP Foundation, transforms affordable housing communities through customized onsite programs and coaching where residents partner with service practitioners to gain skills, overcome obstacles, achieve goals and live well. Operation Pathways is a CORES-certified resident services provider and was the first resident services provider in the country to receive this distinction. CORES certification is awarded to affordable housing service providers based on the strength and quality of their infrastructure, systems, programs, and outcomes. Operation Pathways operates in 12 states and the District of Columbia, accompanying hundreds of residents every year on their journeys to a better life. Because where you live matters and how you live matters more. About The NHP Foundation Headquartered in New York City with offices in Washington, DC, and Chicago, IL, The NHP Foundation (NHPF) was launched on January 30, 1989, as a publicly supported 501(c)(3) not-for-profit real estate corporation. NHPF is dedicated to preserving and creating sustainable, service-enriched multifamily housing that is both affordable to low and moderate income families and seniors, and beneficial to their communities. Through Family-Centered Coaching, NHPF’s subsidiary Operation Pathways engages with, and assists, families experiencing poverty and other hardship, to problem-solve together. Through partnerships with major financial institutions, the public sector, faith-based initiatives, and other not-for-profit organizations, NHPF has 56 properties, including approximately 10,000 units, in 15 states and the District of Columbia.

Letter from Ken White

Before all other forms of media and communication were invented, humans connected to one another through telling stories. Indeed it’s through storytelling that we come to know one another and understand our world through someone else’s senses, life experiences and cultures. Through other people’s stories, we also become aware of the limitations of our own worldviews, and hopefully expand our minds with each new perspective. Operation Pathways offers residents living in affordable housing communities opportunities to increase their quality of life. Our resident services coordinators connect our residents with programs and services to build their strengths and meet their needs. Each day, we meet our residents where they are and together we assess and determine the next steps towards their goals. Overcoming the obstacles that lie in the pathway leading to these goals are the stories found herein. I am grateful to have read the stories presented in this booklet, and excited to share them with you. Through these wonderful accounts of perseverance, determination, and good fortune, may you all be inspired to meet your own adversities face-to-face and work toward building happier and healthier lives for yourselves, your families, and your communities. And then when you’ve overcome your own hardship, make sure that you tell someone your story.


In gratitude,

Ken White Vice President, Operation Pathways


Blanca’s Journey: A Mott Haven Tale Plaza Borinquen Apartments, Bronx, New York

Blanca’s professional life saw her working in the Pan Am building, contributing to the magazine McCrory. However, health issues forced her into early retirement. Despite these setbacks, Blanca’s spirit remained unbroken. She faced additional family struggles, particularly with a brother who battled drug addiction and legal issues. His violent outbursts when he couldn’t get his “fix” strained family relationships, leaving most siblings wanting no contact with him. One of Blanca’s greatest fears materialized when her son became entangled in her brother’s legal troubles. This situation deeply upset Blanca, but it also fueled her determination to make a difference. Operation Pathways’ Resident Services Coordinator enabled Blanca to become certified in Narcan and access lifesaving medicine. Driven by the desire to help her community and prevent her brother from becoming another statistic, Blanca has become a leader in the community. Blanca’s story is one of unwavering resilience and strength. Despite the hardships of growing up in a violent and drug-ridden neighborhood, losing her parents, and facing family turmoil, she remained steadfast in her commitment to her family and community. Her efforts to raise her children in a better environment and her proactive steps to combat the drug epidemic in her community are testaments to her enduring spirit. Blanca’s legacy of resilience and strength will always live on. She is a beacon of hope and a reminder that even in the face of overwhelming adversity, one can rise above and make a lasting impact. Where Blanca lives matters.

BLANCA’S STORY begins in 1974, in the heart of Plaza Borinquen on East 139th Street, where she grew up with her five siblings in a modest four-bedroom unit. Life in the plaza was far from easy, marred by the pervasive gun violence and drug epidemic that plagued

the Bronx. Despite these challenges, Blanca’s childhood was anchored by the love and support of her two parents, who worked tirelessly to provide for their family. Tragedy struck in 2006 when Blanca’s father passed away, followed by the loss of her mother in 2020. Her mother had been a steadfast presence in the plaza from 1974 until her death, embodying the strength and resilience that Blanca would come to mirror in her own life. The early 1990s were particularly harrowing for Blanca, as she lived through the infamous “Tango and Cash” era. This period was marked by rampant heroin use and the resulting violence, which claimed the lives of many in her community, including some of her friends. Witnessing such devastation firsthand left an indelible mark on Blanca, shaping her resolve to create a better future for her own children. Raising three children in Mott Haven on 139th Street, Blanca faced numerous challenges. Her eldest son, moved by the destruction he saw around him, joined the service to make a difference in his community and country. Her daughter, seeking a safer environment for her own children, relocated to Lancaster, PA. Her other son chose to stay in the Bronx, working diligently and watching over his mother.


Hector Lobo’s Family-Centered Coaching Success Story: Growth and Determination Plaza Borinquen Apartments, Bronx, New York

HECTOR’S STORY is one of remarkable transformation and resilience, deeply intertwined with the support and guidance of his mother and Operation Pathways. Growing up in Plaza Borinquen in the Mott Haven section of the Bronx, Hector faced numerous challenges that shaped his character and determination. In 2022, at 16, Hector embarked on a journey that would change his life forever when he became Operation Pathways’ Teen Intern. Initially, Hector was a shy and reserved teenager. His mother, recognizing the potential benefits of the internship, encouraged him to apply. Despite his initial hesitation, Hector filled out the application and was selected for the internship. This opportunity marked the beginning of a significant change in his life. As an intern, Hector began to build a rapport with the RSC. He started to trust and open up about his personal struggles. Hector is a bright child, but he was troubled by personal turmoil and poor academic performance. His grades were so bad that he was hiding them from his mother, and he was at high risk of failing his classes and not graduating. Operation Pathways played a pivotal role in Hector’s transformation. The RSC introduced him to Family Centered Coaching (FCC), a program designed to help individuals achieve their goals and sustain long-term success. Through FCC, the RSC and Hector worked together to identify the root causes of his academic struggles. They discovered that Hector’s inconsistent sleep schedule and poor time management were major barriers to his success. With the RSC’s guidance, Hector learned to set multiple alarms and establish a consistent bedtime routine. These small changes had a profound impact on his ability to attend classes on time and improve his grades. The RSC supported and encouraged Hector to stay motivated and focused on his goals.


shy, struggling teenager to a confident young man ready to make a difference in his community is truly inspiring. Not only is Hector’s story an example for other teenagers, but it also demonstrates how Operation Pathways and Family Center Coaching can drastically influence the trajectory of a resident’s life.

Hector’s mother was also a crucial part of his journey. When the RSC discovered the extent of Hector’s academic struggles, she called his mother in for a meeting. Together, they discussed the changes Hector needed to make and how they could support him at home. Hector’s mother was worried and confused, but she trusted the RSC and was willing to do whatever it took to help her son succeed. One of the key turning points in Hector’s journey was his decision to join the police cadet program after graduation. This decision was driven by his desire to make a positive impact in his community and to follow a path that would lead to a better future. The discipline and structure of the cadet program would help Hector develop a sense of responsibility and purpose. This choice was sparked by a conversation with the RSC, where they discussed the harsh realities of the South Bronx and the limited paths available: either ending up locked up or dead. This stark reality motivated Hector to choose a different path. Hector’s journey was not easy, but his determination and the support from the RSC helped him overcome the obstacles he faced. Over the course of a year, Hector’s grades improved from D’s and F’s to C’s, B’s, and eventually A’s. Hector’s hard work paid off when he graduated with his class and was accepted into John Jay College and Baruch College, two of New York’s best institutions for criminal justice and higher education. This achievement is a testament to Hector’s strength and the support he received and still is receiving from Operation Pathways. Hector’s story is a powerful example of Operation Pathways’ impact on the lives of residents. Through the support of the RSC, small changes, and personal determination, Hector achieved significant personal growth and success in his life. His journey from a

Where Hector Lobo lives matters.


With the Right Assistance, Anytime is the Right Time to Make an Impact The LaSalle at Lincoln Heights, Charlotte, North Carolina

MARK TWAIN FAMOUSLY SAID, “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” Clearly Eric Dillard, who founded a climate change non-profit, New Frontier at age 75, agrees with that sentiment. Mr. Dillard, a resident of NHPF affordable property, The LaSalle at Lincoln Heights, for the past six years, came to LaSalle RSC Brantly Grier to work on setting up this business. Together with Brantly, the two began the process of securing a tax ID, trademark, and articles of incorporation. As soon as the process is complete, Eric will also be moving into office space. Brantly was pleased to assist Mr. Dillard with getting his EIN number and getting set up his business as an LLC with the IRS. He also referred him to a tax/ business lawyer who helped Mr. Brantly file his articles of incorporation with the state of North Carolina. When interviewed about New Frontier, Mr. Dillard said he had long been interested in starting a business dedicated to educating others about climate change and how to prevent it. With his dream about to come true, Mr. Dillard and Brantly are

excited to see what happens next. Where Eric Dillard lives matters.


Breakfast of Champions Edwin Berry Manor Apartments, Chicago, Illinois

SOMETIMES, something as simple as a healthy, accessible breakfast can bring immeasurable joy. Victor Browne, a resident at Berry Manor, enjoys his work staffing the front desk, checking in visitors at this senior property in Chicago. So much so, that he doesn’t like to leave, even to get his meals. The RSC at Berry Manor, Tomica, knew of Mr. Brown’s dedication to his role, and thought “Why not bring Mr. Brown his breakfast so he can stay at a job that gives him such pride.” Tomica had instituted a buffet-style continental breakfast and was happy to regularly bring Mr. Brown his favorites. Grateful for this kindness, Mr. Browne told Tomica, “Since you been here you have done some great things. I really liked the continental breakfast day event. I couldn’t wait to come down to get my coffee and see the set up.” Good, nutritious food and social mealtimes are a hallmark of OP work at our properties. So, it was also great news when RSC Tomica informed Mr. Browne that the property is beginning onsite cooking classes, thanks to a grant from United Healthcare Group and Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future (SAHF). Tomica added, “Mr. Brown was so happy that Berry Manor has access to a grant that will bring more food options to both the property and the community.” Mr. Brown also enjoys the camaraderie that sharing a meal with neighbors brings to him and is looking forward to learning some new recipes in the upcoming cooking classes. Where Victor Brown lives matters.


Taking up a New Hobby at Any Age Winter Hill Apartments, Falls Church, Virginia

OPERATION PATHWAYS takes pride in its resident-centered programs and services, dedicated to improving and uplifting the lives of all who live there. Ms. Tam Nguyen, residing at our Winter Hill Apartments, is a notable example of why we do what we do. Tam, an 82-year-old Vietnamese woman, was nervous about joining the yoga class that RSC, Dong Bui, was starting and even rejected her neighbor’s offer to accompany her. Tam knew the language barrier would affect her experience, but after encouragement from her neighbor, Tam decided it was worth a try. After her first class, Tam loved the experience and now attends often, speaking very highly of the whole experience, “I love the class, I’m not afraid anymore, I just watch the movements of the instructor and I follow. There were times when I made a wrong move and my instructor just smiled and used sign language to correct me.” Tam now raves about how the yoga routine has her doing stretches she would not normally attempt, emphasizing its effectiveness as a great exercise for her.

Where Tam Nguyen lives matters.


The Heart and Soul of Volunteering The Mark Twain, Chicago, Illinois

curiosity about resident programming led her to join the Operation Pathways Action Committee (OPAC), where her enthusiasm and commitment quickly became invaluable assets. As Angela and Winona immersed themselves in the vibrant tapestry of community life, they discovered the profound joy that comes from giving back. Angela’s infectious enthusiasm and warm personality sparked a newfound interest among fellow residents, breathing life into events and activities that brought neighbors together in camaraderie and friendship. Meanwhile, Winona’s dedication and passion for service shines brightly as she volunteers tirelessly for community initiatives, from staffing the community closet store to organizing events that celebrate the diverse talents and cultures within St. Luke’s Plaza. Her leadership within the OPAC not only brings valuable insights but also fostered a sense of unity and purpose among committee members. One memorable highlight of Winona’s experience was the collaborative effort to host a Resident Potluck dinner for the Christmas holiday, an idea championed by Winona and embraced by the entire community. With her unwavering determination and knack for rallying support, Winona ensured that the event was a resounding success, leaving hearts full and spirits lifted as residents came together to share laughter, food, and festive cheer. Reflecting on their experiences, both Angela and Winona expressed profound gratitude for the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on their communities and as they continue their journey of service, Angela and Winona know that the threads of kindness they weave into the fabric of their communities will endure and make a difference.

AT TWO NHPF PROPERTIES, The Mark Twain in Chicago and St. Luke’s Plaza in St. Louis, two women found purpose and fulfillment in the embrace of volunteerism. Winona Butler and Angela Williams, residents of these two communities respectively, embarked on a journey of service that not only enriched their own lives, but also transformed the fabric of their communities. OP is dedicated to enhancing the well-being of residents through engaging programs and events. Angela, a cheerful and dedicated member of Mark Twain, first dipped her toes into volunteering by assisting with various activities and events organized by her RSC Carmen Correa. Her eagerness to contribute eventually led her to take on a more significant role in the development and execution of these programs. Similarly, Winona, a proud mother and longtime resident of St. Luke’s Plaza, found renewed purpose and connection through her involvement with OP. Initially drawn to the community store, Winona’s

Where Winona and Angela live matters.


Joyce Kouami & The Case for a Unique New Movie Theater Washington Dodd Apartments, Orange, New Jersey

JOYCE KOUAMI, a sophomore at Montclair State University and resident of Washington Dodd Apartments, an NHPF property in Orange, NJ, wants to bring a small independent theater to her community. The Ghost Theater (named because of the nearby

“I want to focus on accessibility, including bathrooms to accommodate those with different abilities and different ages, and having special screenings for people with disabilities or seniors,” added Joyce who is also focusing on sustainability and several ideas that will allow her community to congregate and enjoy things like outdoor screenings with food trucks and other vendors. Joyce’s long-term goals include making movie-going for the people of Orange more accessible because right now there are no local movie theaters. She envisions the site operating as a tourist attraction, bringing in more money for the town. “My experience with the Summer Internship Program exposed me to new and different ways to bring positive change to my community through the built environment,” Joyce said. “I hope to incorporate what I’ve learned into my college education and find ways to use both in my career going forward.” Ms. Kouami is seeking opportunities to grow professionally and gain work experience in arts management, museum operations, and film production. She is currently an intern in The NHP Foundation/Operation Pathways’ Affordable Housing Program through Winn Companies. She desires to further her skills and knowledge in project management and administration.

cemetery and its dominant presence in the city) would be a two-story theater with three screens and 450–500 seats. As Joyce sees it, The Ghost Theater will help ensure her hometown is anything but a “ghost town.” “It is intentionally not a big cineplex, in keeping with my desire to create a retro, vintage, historic- type theater that engages my community,” said Joyce. “The Ghost Theater would provide more accessibility, full- and part-time jobs, boost the local economy, and be a new source of entertainment for both residents and those visiting Orange.” Like all budding developers in the NHPF Summer Internship program, Joyce learned from experts about planning, budgeting, and the importance of connecting with surrounding residents and business about project development. She has sited the Ghost Theater on an empty lot that is zoned for commercial use. Like many builders in the US, Joyce was most surprised about what she learned regarding zoning for her proposed $1M project, and through her internship learned that she would need to rezone that land for retail or mixed use and budget for purchasing the land and new construction. She also realized that she would need to obtain capital from loans and from the city, including through grants and tax incentives, to realize her ambitious vision.

Where Joyce Houami lives matters.


RSC Andrea Richard Launches Young Women’s Wellness Program Anacostia Gardens & Benning Heights, Washington, DC

ANDREA RICHARD, the RSC at both Anacostia Gardens and Benning Heights, had a brainstorm. As she got better acquainted with the preteen girls living in both communities, Andrea sensed a need to provide a gathering place where the young women could receive education and engage in meaningful conversation on topics like personal empowerment, body awareness, and self care. Andrea reached out to a few companies in the progressive feminine hygiene space including Aunt Flow, Saalt, and Lhamo Organic pads. All three responded with project funding and sample products. Thus, the Red Tent Gathering was launched. Andrea describes Red Tent as a “community where we provide education for pre- adolescent girls, teenagers, and women.” The

program offers space for sharing, creativity outlets, parenting classes, expectant mom support, and rites of passages for our young women. Andrea adds, “I feel like we had a good turnout and look forward to growing this program at both Anacostia Gardens and Benning Heights in 2023.” The need to provide education, agency, and bodily awareness for the young women of our communities is great and this program is impactful because it connects, educates, and encourages the younger population onsite, including expectant mothers. This rewarding work benefits all the residents of both properties.

Where you live matters.


Restoring Irma’s Benefits Plaza Borinquen Apartments, Bronx, New York

IN LATE SUMMER OF 2022, Irma Sandel, a resident at Plaza Borinquen, called RSC Karina Molina in some distress. Irma had just come home from the hospital following a double leg amputation. She was upset and crying on the phone because all her benefits had been discontinued while she was in the hospital—her SNAP, SSI, and Medicaid were all cancelled. The next day Karina immediately conducted an in-home visit with Irma. The two spoke about Irma’s health troubles which had led to the surgeries and eventual amputation. The conversation left Irma distraught so Karina provided compassion and comfort, letting her know that everything would be alright. During the home visit, Irma asked Karina if she could assist with reinstating her services. Karina leapt into action, happy to take the lead with outreach so Irma could concentrate on healing. In addition to the recent health troubles, Irma also deals with diabetes, high blood pressure, and a host of other health issues, treatment of which is dependent upon Medicaid. With her Medicaid benefits in limbo, Irma would not be able to pay for the important medications that Medicare covered. Later that same week, with a signed consent document from Irma, Karina began to reach out to the benefit providers. She also contacted Lincoln Hospital where the surgery took place and the nursing rehab home where Irma moved after the surgery. Additionally, Karina called the Social Security Administration and the New York City Human Resources Agency. Although progress was slow, Karina’s dogged determination never flagged as she kept Irma informed and continued to meet other needs for her. Finally, in November, Karina was able to have Irma’s full benefits restored—her SNAP, SSI, and Medicaid. Irma was so relieved and grateful for the on-site support she received enabling her services to be restored without having to leaving her home. Karina was happy to be able to help and be a part of a story with a happy ending—restoring all of Irma’s benefits.

Where Irma Sandel lives matters.


Ashley Uses Family-Centered Coaching Principles to Achieve Major Goal Bayview Towers, Stamford, Connecticut

ASHLEY ADONIS, a resident at Bayview Towers, met his Family-Centered Coaching goal in 2022 and we applaud him. Ashley worked with Tsani, an RSC at the property via Operation Pathways’ much-lauded Family-Centered Coaching model developed by The Prosperity Agenda with the support of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. The W.K. Kellogg Foundation works to meet the interconnected needs and desires of a participant’s life while working to dismantle educational disparities, underemployment, health care, financial literacy, food access, neighborhood safety, and more. Ashley, a high school student, began his journey with Tsani when he applied for Operation Pathways’ affordable housing Summer Internship Program in the summer of 2022. The program offers four internships to teenagers and young adults in our communities: Affordable Housing Internship, Property Management Internship, Professional Communications Virtual Internship, and a Makerspace Internship (Bayview Towers). 91% of participants believe they are better prepared to achieve their future educational, career, and personal goals because of the Internship Program. In addition to gaining work experience, interns partner with a coach to help develop their professional and financial skills. Program offerings included personal finance, career planning, resume writing, and interviewing skills classes. Because Ashley’s grades had dropped during the previous semester, Ashley’s mom would not allow him to accept the job since she was worried he would not get into college. So, although Ashley didn’t become an intern at that time, he did work with Tsani to set a goal to get accepted to college. Together, using Family-Centered Coaching principles, they devised a plan to make it happen. After attending summer tutoring and making sure his first two semester grades were good,Ashley was accepted to the University of Connecticut.

Where Ashley Adonis lives matters.


Former Cleme Manor Resident Returns to Give Back Cleme Manor, Houston, Texas

DELORES MCGRUDER lived in Cleme Manor for twenty-five years and returned this past fall to bring joy and educational activities to current young residents and their parents. While she lived at Cleme Manor, Delores took advantage of financial literacy programs that taught her how to save and eventually helped her purchase a home of her own. She was more than a neighbor you could rely on for a cup of sugar—she befriended many of the residents and shared her support whenever she could. Even after she left Cleme Manor, Delores continued to look for more ways to give back to residents. This past fall she applied for and received a grant from the Urban Transformation organization to host four meetings at Cleme Manor where children and their parents could participate in educational, artistic and recreational activities. She also provided healthy snacks to the 122 youth and adults who participated. McGruder dubbed this effort the Mustard Seed Program, inspired by a conversation with an HPD officer who shared her vision of helping children in the community. A mustard seed is known to be one of the smaller seeds but grows into a large plant firmly rooted in the ground. The program was offered through Operation Pathways, The NHP Foundation’s subsidiary providing onsite resident services. In December, this culminated with a fun holiday party where Houston City Council Member Letitia Plummer came and provided meals and gifts to participants. The Council Member said, “Mustard Seed became part of the community; really doing great things with the kids. Delores McGruder is someone I respect highly.” Delores’s personal story is very inspiring. She came from humble beginnings and was left to fend for herself at an early age. Despite her circumstances, she completed her education and graduated third in her class from Houston’s Wheatly High School. She went on to earn degrees from Texas State University in psychology and sociology. Her heartfelt message to children, “Choose love and not hate and color doesn’t matter. You can achieve great things.”

Where Delores McGruder lives matters.


Cin’cere Huntley: A Hollander Ridge Summer Intern Story Hollander Ridge, Baltimore, Maryland

CIN’CERE HUNTLEY, a resident of Hollander Ridge in Baltimore, Maryland, took part in Operation Pathways’ Summer Internship Program. As part of the summer program students were asked to imagine a real estate project, with a budget, that they would want to design. Cin’cere’s vision for a social and cultural community center was borne out of her own research and lived experience which showed that in a city of over 700,000, Baltimore has only 44 recreation centers. Cin’cere’s research showed that low- income areas of Baltimore, suffering from years of structural racism and blight, were particularly lacking in safe places for people to gather but also had a surplus of abandoned buildings and vacant lots. This inspired Cin’cere to put her internship training to use in developing a proposal for a site. During her internship Cin’cere and her peers learned about property development, budgeting skills, profit and loss, and basic real estate knowledge. The vision for the Cin’cere Social and Cultural Community Centre included a swimming pool, gymnasium, kitchen and ballet center. The center would offer childcare and be a warm and welcoming space to bring the community together. Cin’cere delivered her presentation at the 6th Annual NHPF Symposium in Washington, DC to an audience of hundreds. Her heartfelt earnestness and sincerity moved many to tears.

The future looks bright for Cin’cere Huntley.


Remembering Ms. Beverly The Roundtree Residences, Washington, DC

BEVERLY JOHNSON served as Operation Pathways’ Resident Services Coordinator at The Roundtree Residences, in Washington, DC, for five and a half years. During her years of service to our organization, and her lifetime of service to her community, Beverly was

a variety of healthy living programming, including the delivery of over 4,000 meals and 2,700 bags of produce and groceries. These are just a few of Ms. Beverly’s many accomplishments. She showed up daily with a big smile, compassion, and a beautiful spirit that could brighten anyone’s day. The twelfth of thirteen children Ms. Beverly was a staunch believer in education, holding both a BA in Business Management from Southeastern University and later a Master’s in Leadership and Management from Webster University. Much of Ms. Beverly’s career was dedicated to motivating others to further their education as well as seek positions of community service. She volunteered continuously for the Black Caucus and also worked for the Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Not only did she inspire others through her work and mentorship, she may be best remembered as a fashionista. Even in her 70s Ms. Beverly’s sense of fashion was simply unmatched and spoke for itself. She had her own style and swag that was both timeless and trendy. This exuberant, unforgettable leader is survived by her husband, Vincent Lamont Odoms; sons, James Darryl Williams and Darrion Vincent Shannon; and five grandchildren. On behalf of everyone at Operation Pathways, we love you Ms. Beverly, and miss you dearly.

known for her positive energy, supportive presence, and most importantly, her love for her work, her community, and her Operation Pathways family. Ms. Beverly, as she was fondly known, passed away in her sleep on December 9, 2021. To honor Ms. Beverly’s contribution to our work, Operation Pathways created an award in her name. The Beverly Johnson RSC Spirit Award, will be presented by Operation Pathways annually to an RSC who best exemplify the qualities of Support, Positive Energy, and Love. Ms. Beverly so clearly exemplified the qualities this award honors. During her tenure as the RSC at Roundtree, Ms. Beverly led with love. She always took time to reach out to those she knew and never hesitated to express her love and care for others particularly through her work at Roundtree, engaging with nearly every resident at the property. She coordinated many senior field trips and resident appreciation events, registered 106 members in her community to vote, and coordinated


Leshada Stewart The Strand Residences, Washington, DC

LESHADA STEWART moved into her beautiful new apartment in the Strand Residences in Washington, DC. Leshada is a single mother with a 6-month old baby who had been waiting for this moment for almost a year; she thought, at times, it might never happen. When she entered the new unit, she was overjoyed, jumping and running around saying “This is great and thank you, God.” A very great moment, indeed. In addition to the 86 units, the Strand Residences feature a large multi-purpose room, exercise room, and on-site resident services provided by NHPF’s subsidiary, Operation Pathways. The first floor includes retail space for a neighborhood non- profit and a community-based retailer. The Residences include 71 one-bedroom apartments and 15 two-bedroom units. The 28 LRSP units will be rented to residents who earn less than 30% AMI and will be reserved for residents relocating from the nearby Lincoln Heights and Richardson Dwellings properties.

Where Leshada Stewart lives matters.


A Holiday Story Plaza Borinquen Apartments, Bronx, New York

IN THE PUERTO RICAN CULTURE, the holiday season is ingrained in the populace form the day one is born, enriching all with values, traditions and the history of the island and its people. All of the residents at Plaza Borinquen are from Puerto Rico and enjoy Christmas time, which is a nonstop celebration until mid-January. Christmas celebrations in Puerto Rico begin very late in November and do not stop on December 25th. The biggest holiday dates are December 24—Nochebuena/Good Night-Christmas Eve; December 25—Navidad/Christmas; December 31—Despedida de Año/New Year’s Eve; and the biggest and most important of all for the children, el Día de Los Reyes Margos/Three Kings Day—Epiphany on January 6. The pandemic has hit many of the residents hard; for some losing loved ones they couldn’t say goodbye to back home. One resident, Pablo Diaz (right) and the Superintendent, Carlos Miranda (left) wanted to bring a piece of home and holiday cheer to the residents. After all, Puerto Ricans are known for their unforgettable get-togethers which include food and music. Everyone here has that Uncle, Grandfather, or Father on the congas, or guitar with everyone singing old Christmas songs like Feliz Navidad and Silent Night—Merry Christmas and Noche de Paz. Pablo and Carlos brought the islands home to the community of Plaza Borinquen, for those who couldn’t travel due to pandemic restrictions. The holiday tree that Pablo bought also brought camaraderie to the residents who were able to see their neighbors and spend time with them. To the residents here at Plaza Borinquen, it is a tree of hope and new beginnings.

Where Pablo Diaz lives matters.


Ms. Sara’s Journey Columbia Heights Village Apartments, Washington, DC

MS. SARA, a resident of Columbia Heights Village Apartments in Washington, DC, had been out of work due to COVID-19. She had previously been employed as a home health aide. Soon, Ms. Sara had to grapple with the lack of income and major food insecurities. However, Ms. Sara knew how to use the resident services provided at Columbia Heights Village by Operation Pathways, a subsidiary of NHPF. She was one of the first residents to avail themselves of the coaching provided by onsite Resident Services Coordinator Terri West. Terri and Ms. Sara worked together on weekly food deliveries, going back to school for ESL (to gain more fluency in English) and job searches. Ms. Sara participated in the learning program NHPF offers via free tablets provided by the organization and was coached on different ways to use the tablet to gain the most benefit. In 2021, Ms. Sara and Terri again combined forces to help continue and expand her job search by applying for several different opportunities. She finally found part-time employment with CVS as a pharmacist, where she is currently employed. Ms. Sara is happy to report that her new job is also just two blocks from her residence enabling her to save money on transportation. What a great way to start the new year.

Where Ms. Sara lives matters.


Plaza Borinquen & The NYPD Plaza Borinquen Apartments, Bronx, New York

encouraged her to call him if she needed anything. Migdalia was so thankful for that interaction that she introduced her neighbor, Christine Leon, to Officer Henriquez and Officer Lawrence Chan. The women spoke with both officers, and voiced concerns about the uptick in shootings and drug use in the community. Both officers let the women know that they were there to keep the residents and the community safe. Christine stated that this was the first time she felt good knowing that “La Placita” (‘La Placita” translates to “The Plaza” and is the nickname that residents have given Plaza Borinquen) has “her own cops.” They also call Plaza Borinquen, Little Puerto Rico. This interaction was a huge milestone for many of the residents who have lived in Plaza Borinquen since it was constructed, often for 20 or more years. For everyone at Operation Pathways and NHPF, we are grateful to Karina (pictured here between Officer Henriquez and Officer Chan) for helping forge this partnership that demonstrates a positive interaction between residents and the NYPD. NHPF and Operation Pathways help manage and cultivate these relationships on our properties. While for many years we have supported community policing as a deterrent to crime, we have taken a more proactive approach to creating opportunities for police and our residents to have non-threatening and peaceful interactions through our programming. We view this as an important part of our work in social justice and increasing the quality of life in our housing communities.

MIGDALIA AVILES, a Spanish-speaking resident of the NHPF property, Plaza Borinquen in New York City, lives with her two granddaughters. Her husband passed away a year ago and soon Midgalia found herself uneasy. She was thrilled when Plaza Borinquen’s Resident Services Coordinator (RSC) Karina Molina arranged for Officer Randy Henriquez to meet with her and discuss her concerns. Migdalia was so grateful for the officer’s visit and appreciated the time he spent with her, made all the more enjoyable and satisfying since Officer Henriquez is Hispanic and they could converse in Spanish. Migdalia expressed her concerns about safety in the neighborhood, living alone with her two grandchildren since her husband’s death. Officer Henriquez gave her his business card and

Where Migdalia Aviles lives matters.


The Early Learning Readiness Program (ELRP) Calvin Mowbray Park & Stephen Camper Park

snack area, listening, puzzles, and blocks. At the conclusion of the program day, YMCA staff provides caregivers with tools and support to build upon the lessons when they are at home. This program provides a learning-enriched environment for some of the county’s most underserved children and their caregivers. The expectation is that this program will improve equity among OP resident children within the county, helping to level the playing field through the reduction of the learning and achievement gaps in these participating families. Outcomes for this initiative should be measurable academic growth at the end of the program, as seen in key school readiness skills like numbers, letters, color recognition, social skills, name recognition, and response to verbal cues. “100% of the children and caregivers that consistently participate in our Early Learning Readiness program experience growth by the end of the program. Participants typically average a 25% rise in key school readiness skills like numbers, color recognition, social skills, name recognition and response to verbal cues.”  —Jenifer Lehn, YMCA Coordinator “The Early Learning program is an essential part of child and parent development, beginning the learning process in a structured school setting. We believe this program will build a foundation that will prepare students for school.”  —Jymil Thompson, John & Janice Foundation (J2W) “The program offers a great forum for my little girl to meet, play and learn with other kids. It will really help her learn and practice how to share with her peers since she is not very good at that yet.”  —Guardian to a three-year-old participant

THE EARLY LEARNING READINESS PROGRAM (ELRP) at the Operation Pathways community center at the Calvin Mowbray and Stephen Camper Park Community in Cambridge, Maryland is a partnership between Operation Pathways, The John and Janice Wyatt (J2W) Foundation, and the Robbins Family YMCA. This multi-year program is designed to combat the achievement gap that economically disadvantaged youth from birth to age five experience. The YMCA of Chesapeake facilitates the program. YMCA staff work with program participants for two hours, each Monday and Wednesday morning throughout the school year for 36 weeks, starting with a soft launch from March to May 2021. A lead teacher guides the children and their caregivers through daily activities and circle time. YMCA staff support participants through 13 activity centers designed to develop key school readiness skills, such as math, science, art, music, gross motor skills, manipulatives, dramatic play, reading, infant center,

Where you live matters.


Marshalling Resources Forest Park, New Orleans, Louisiana

MR. MARSHALL i s a senior community member at Forest Park, on a fixed income. Since COVID-19 has restricted him to isolating at home, he was unable to visit his family in the summer months when he would have turned off his AC and saved on his energy bill. Instead, in September 2020 Mr. Marshall found himself $400 behind on his utility bill. He contacted the community center to see if they could help since he wanted to avoid falling any further into debt. Mr. Marshall worked with the community coach to obtain assistance with his energy bills. He obtained and completed the paperwork necessary to assist him with his bills which he was able to take to Total Community Action; an agency who processes the applications and awards the assistance. In mid-October of 2020, Mr. Marshall received two letters in the mail from Total Community Action, one stating that his balance was paid in full and is back to $0. The second letter stated he had received a credit of $400 that he is able to use over the next six months to help him stay up to date with his energy bill and relieve the stress caused by worries of eviction.

Where Mr. Marshall lives matters.


Mr. Charles Forest Park, New Orleans, Louisiana

ALL THROUGH THE YEAR OF COVID-19, Mr. Charles has found ways to give back to his community at Forest Park. During the 2020 election, Mr. Charles used his own car to take neighbors who did not have transportation to the polls. In total, he chauffeured 18 community members throughout early voting days all the way to Election Day. Community members self-reported that if it hadn’t been for the kindness and generosity exhibited by Mr. Charles, they probably would not have voted this year. Enabling them to get to the polls enabled residents to have their voices heard in this important election. Mr. Charles continued to demonstrate community involvement and caring by volunteering to be resident Santa this holiday season. Though children were not able to take a picture directly with Santa, Mr. and Mrs. Claus were present to wave, offer air high-fives, and have masked conversations with the children. This small gesture brought special holiday cheer and a sense of normalcy to the Forest Park community. Through these actions, Mr. Charles showed that no matter your age or economic status, community members can rise to community leaders.

Where Mr. Charles lives matters.


Patricia Staten The Roundtree Residences, Washington, DC

THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF OPERATION PATHWAYS, KEN WHITE, often remarks that one of the greatest challenges during this time of the pandemic at our properties is the need for residents to be connected to the internet. This issue has affected every age demographic from school-aged children attending classes online, to unemployed adults looking for work and applying for benefits, to seniors shut in and suffering from social isolation. Through a grant from DC Housing Finance Agency, we were able to purchase tablets and provide 1-year of high-speed internet access to 100 of our neediest residents in DC. Our on- site resident services coordinators have supplied them with instructions and resources to help them use their new tablets to fit their needs. Mrs. Staten, a resident at The Roundtree Residences, had been using an old flip phone to communicate with friends and family during the pandemic, many of whom live far away. When Mrs. Staten received her new tablet, the RSC helped her make a video call to her daughter in California, and she got to meet her newest grandchild, Gigi, and the joy was palpable!

Where Mrs. Staten lives matters.


A Cleme Manor Resident Story * Cleme Manor, Houston, Texas

AS A NEW RESIDENT SERVICES COORDINATOR at Cleme Manor, Adrianna Ramirez organized a “meet and greet” event to introduce herself to residents. It was there that she first met Jenny*, a young mother and resident of Cleme Manor. Jenny approached Adrianna because she read in the newsletter that Adrianna had been a teacher and Jenny had some questions about the quality of her son’s school. After the event, Jenny would stop by Adrianna’s office from time to time just to chat, mostly about her son’s education. After some time however, Jenny began sharing more about her own life, her struggles, and her goals. Over the course of a few months, Adrianna learned that Jenny had gone to school to be a funeral director but never took the certification exams due to a variety of life complications. She also learned that in addition to her son, Jenny had two other babies. One was adopted and being raised by Jenny’s mother, with whom she has a strained relationship, and her other baby tragically died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). In addition, Jenny had been in a serious car crash and most recently escaped from an abusive relationship. It was clear to Adrianna that Jenny felt lost, confused, and completely overwhelmed with the circumstances of her life. Adrianna used her training in Operation Pathways’ Family Centered Coaching to work with Jenny. First, Adrianna helped Jenny see that she was doing just fine raising her son, and that she should redirect her attention to helping herself. Jenny told Adrianna that her goal was to finish her schooling and certifications for her career and Adrianna agreed to coach her towards that goal. Jenny needed to study for and pass the national board exam which is administered in two parts. Adrianna coached her in setting study schedules and creating work-spaces conducive to good study

habits. The payoff was significant as Jenny passed both sections of her exams on her first attempts. The final step was to complete her provisional licensure apprenticeship, which could only be accomplished by being employed with an accredited funeral company. Adrianna worked with her to prepare and apply for these positions. After months of coaching, studying, test-taking, applications, and interviews, Jenny walked into Adrianna’s office with good news: she got the job. Jenny is now working with a provisional license and will soon achieve her goal of being a funeral director. Family-Centered Coaching is a strengths-based approach to service delivery and works under the assumption that our residents can set and achieve their own goals. Adrianna believed in Jenny and recognized that she had everything within her to accomplish her goals, she just needed someone to remind her what she was capable of. Jenny’s new goal is to specialize in final arrangements for families who have lost babies. She understands first-hand what the special needs are for families during this time, and now she’ll use both her education and her life experiences to help others in crisis. Jenny recently applied to and was accepted to the Biology program at University of Houston and she is working on the financial details with Adrianna. In the meantime she works at a local funeral home and is now taking care of victims of the Covid-19 pandemic. For Jenny and others, affordable housing gives people in crisis the stability and capacity to take the next steps in rebuilding their lives. It is this foundation that allows Operation Pathways to meet residents where they are and walk with them on these difficult journeys.

Where Jenny lives matters.

* Since “Jenny” is a recent victim of domestic violence, we have changed her name for this story and we cannot provide a photo


Starlet & Family Forest Park, New Orleans, Louisiana

STARLET AND HER THREE CHILDREN live at Forest Park in New Orleans, Louisiana. Two of her children attend Forest Park’s summer camps and Starlet often volunteers during community events. She reached out to her RSC Tiffany in March because she was frustrated because of difficulties she was experiencing receiving her SNAP benefits. Using Family-Centered coaching skills including asking powerful questions and reflective listening during a conversation, Tiffany worked with Starlet to complete her online SNAP application and receive the benefits due to her and her family. Soon Starlet was approved for $107 in benefits which seemed low for her household. By working together the two discovered that Starlet’s rent had gone up by $25, starting in April and she had not accounted for that or her car payment when filling out the application. Tiffany then encouraged Starlet to advocate for her family and call DCFS and see if there was anything she could do. The DCFS agent recommended she make changes on her application and noted in the system they would re-assess soon. Starlet and Tiffany worked as a team to update her application and she received notification shortly thereafter that her SNAP benefits increased to $386 for her family. Starlet is working to reach her financial stability goal, and is encouraged that she has met her urgent financial need of acquiring food and stable housing for her family. Since this goal has been met, Tiffany texted Starlet a Monthly Budget sheet for her to work from on her own. Tiffany and Starlet are now engaging in weekly financial coaching check-ins, to continue her financial stability journey. Starlet is always on time and pays her full rent amount monthly, so this month’s dip into her rent payment to pay for food for her family was a concern. However, her confirmed SNAP application and the amount she will now receive has assured her that she will be able to afford food for her family and continue to pay her rent in full each month.

Where Starlet and her three children live matters.


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