Resident Stories

Patricia St. Luke’s Plaza in St. Louis, Missouri

coordinated the entire event. Ms. Littles found someone to decorate the community room, confirmed 10 “day-of” volunteers including two professional photographers, and she collected monetary donations in the amount of $800. Those funds allowed the two of us to purchase new toys for the children at St. Luke’s as well as household items that their parents were able to choose from. We were able to serve 29 families and 108 children. Below is a short interview I conducted with Ms. Littles. RSC: How was the planning and implementation of the event from your perspective? Pat Littles: I was very excited that you agreed to support this event. The planning and hustle and bustle that was required to pull the Winter Wonderland event off made me a little anxious yet extremely happy. RSC: How did you feel about the overall outcome of the Winter Wonderland? Pat Littles: I think the event went very well. The participants seemed happy and that really made my holiday. RSC: How has participating with RSC impacted you? Pat Littles: These experiences have impacted me tremendously and have made me feel more a part of the community. I speak to many neighbors, with whom I have shared a building for many years, yet never had a conversation. RSC: What made you decide you wanted to participate in RSC events? Pat Littles: You made me feel so welcomed. I watched you for several months and I saw your genuineness. Now I feel a part of what happens here,

I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE A MOMENT to highlight St. Luke’s Plaza resident Ms. Patricia Littles. Ms. Littles has been a resident at St. Luke’s Plaza in St. Louis, Missouri for 18 years. Ms. Littles and I met in 2019. Owing to her long residency at the property, I asked her for some suggestions about Resident Services Coordinator (RSC) programming. She explained that she hadn’t had a chance to participate before so she couldn’t offer any insight or suggestions at that time. I invited her to participate and she said she would consider it. After a few more interactions between Ms. Littles and myself, she decided to attend an event. She first came to Bingo, then she began to attend workshops, and soon after she joined OPAC— the Operation Pathways Action Committee. Ms. Littles’ story is unique because, after years of little or no interest in program participation, she became instrumental to the success of our on- site resident holiday party! Upon joining OPAC, Ms. Littles asked if we could plan what she termed a “Winter Wonderland” event for the residents, I agreed and we started planning. Ms. Littles called upon her vast friend network and, in no time, she

and I am happy to participate. Where Patricia lives matters.


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