With new paychecks in hand, the interns were also taught to value the money they earned and to spend it wisely. They learned how to create and stick to a personal budget. They opened savings accounts, establishing their first relationships with financial institutions. They were introduced to the challenges of establishing credit and purchasing assets. Finally, the teens spent time researching and exploring career paths, identifying the education and skill development necessary to achieve their career goals. At the end of the internship, the teens each gave a digital presentation in front of their co-workers, families and friends. I attended many of these presentations and couldn’t have been more proud of the interns and the Resident Services Coordinators who successfully fostered this new program. Our goal in creating this internship program was to help young people realize their dreams for their futures by giving them the knowledge, skills and experience to succeed in the world of work. It is with great appreciation for all of our partners and friends—those who make possible the Teen Internship Program and all the Operation Pathways programs and services—that we share this report.
In gratitude,
Kenneth D. White Vice President, Resident Services
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