Lasting Memories and Accomplishments
THIS 2013 ANNUAL REPORT is a wonderful reflection on all our Operation Pathways program, and I am particularly proud to introduce one very close to my heart—the Teen Internship Program. I can remember like it was yesterday the thrill of landing my first “real job” when I was a junior in high school. As a furniture stock boy in my hometown’s local department store, I loved earning and managing my own money. Having this job meant that I could add to my music collection and rent my own tuxedo for the junior prom. I could start saving to buy a car, and even to help finance my own college education. Yes, this was an important time for me. With it came rights, responsibilities, and an increased sense of independence and accountability that would forever change my life. Also hoping to change young lives, Operation Pathways has launched a new program to guide our teen residents into their first jobs. Sixteen teens were hired as interns at nine NHPF properties. They were guided through the application process and developed specific job skills. They also learned valuable lifelong skills including time management, professional communication with colleagues and supervisors, working independently and in a team, problem solving, and choosing appropriate workplace attire. The interns kept journals about their work experiences, sharing their writing with their internship coordinator. These sessions provided one-on-one time to talk about taking initiative, having a positive attitude and demeanor, and other key factors leading towards a successful working experience.
The Teen Internship Progam helps young people realize their dreams for the future.
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