Focusing on Better Life Experiences for Our Residents
IT IS OUR HONOR AND PRIVILEGE to share this 2013 annual report on Operation Pathways, the NHPF resident services program. As you read it, please pay particular attention to the letter that follows from Kenneth White, NHPF’s Vice President, Resident Services. As you will learn, Ken is proudly introducing one of Operation Pathways’ newest initiatives which is focused on our teen residents. All teenagers, but especially those from low- and moderate-income families, face challenges and need guidance to set them on the right path towards becoming productive adults. The new Teen Internship Program does just that and we look forward to its growth in the coming years. It’s a great addition to the Operation Pathways’ programs. Through the broad breadth of its programs and services, Operation Pathways is the heart and soul of NHPF communities. By complementing and enhancing the positive support residents receive in their homes and schools, Operation Pathways ensures that residents of all ages have the opportunities to learn, thrive and excel throughout their lives. NHPF could not fulfill its mission without Operation Pathways. We salute the Operation Pathways staff members in all the NHPF housing communities for the exceptionally positive impacts they have in residents’ lives. They are truly helping to create better life experiences for those who call our communities home.
Ralph F. Boyd
Richard F. Burns
Chairman, Board of Trustees
Chief Executive Officer
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