Resident Stories

Patricia Staten The Roundtree Residences, Washington, DC

THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF OPERATION PATHWAYS, KEN WHITE, often remarks that one of the greatest challenges during this time of the pandemic at our properties is the need for residents to be connected to the internet. This issue has affected every age demographic from school-aged children attending classes online, to unemployed adults looking for work and applying for benefits, to seniors shut in and suffering from social isolation. Through a grant from DC Housing Finance Agency, we were able to purchase tablets and provide 1-year of high-speed internet access to 100 of our neediest residents in DC. Our on- site resident services coordinators have supplied them with instructions and resources to help them use their new tablets to fit their needs. Mrs. Staten, a resident at The Roundtree Residences, had been using an old flip phone to communicate with friends and family during the pandemic, many of whom live far away. When Mrs. Staten received her new tablet, the RSC helped her make a video call to her daughter in California, and she got to meet her newest grandchild, Gigi, and the joy was palpable!

Where Mrs. Staten lives matters.


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