The Stories Behind the Acronym
E XPERTS IN 2012, the NHPF Operation Pathways staff from across the country converged in New Orleans for a three-day training session. They learned from experts in the fields of youth development, health and wellness, geriatrics, and financial education. The training session also featured an expert to assess and demonstrate how our individual personality traits affect our own work and our working relationships with one another, the site-based staffs, and our external partners and collaborators. • AT WALNUT SQUARE APARTMENTS, we have noticed outstanding progress of a 3rd grader since her participation in “The Exploration Station.” When she first enrolled in our program, she was defiant about completing homework or participating in group activities that involved any text. Using our Brigance Word Recognition Assessment, we discovered that she placed at a kindergarten reading level. This young lady has signed into “The Exploration Station” over 20 times during the school year, practicing her phonetic decoding skills of unfamiliar words and exposing herself to new sight-word vocabulary. Her interest and focus for completing homework improved dramatically, she is more social and cooperative during group activities, and she recently placed at a 3rd grade level in our Brigance Word Recognition Assessment Post-Test.
“I like the community center because I learn a lot, I have fun with my friends, and I love my teachers.” —TAJANIQUE
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