The Stories Behind the Acronym
L EADERS FOR MANY PEOPLE living on the east coast of the United States, 2012 will be remembered as the year of Superstorm Sandy. While our entire portfolio fared well during the storm, Operation Pathways and our property management companies worked hard in both the preparation for the storm as well as in its aftermath. Atlantic City Townehouse (ACT) was completely evacuated prior to the storm. The resident services coordinator and management worked with each resident to find temporary housing with relatives or friends. Buses were arranged to transport residents to emergency shelters if they were unable to find a place to stay. With leadership from Operation Pathways, our residents were brought by bus to take shelter together, as opposed to being split up among several locations. This allowed for us to continue to provide services to our residents, even when they were displaced. The resident services coordinator visited often, assessed residents’ needs, and provided support. Residents remained in emergency shelters for five days before city officials allowed them to return to ACT. The staff of Atlantic City Townehouse was formally praised by the Mayor of Atlantic City for the leadership they displayed in an expeditious and compassionate evacuation procedure.
“My favorite person to learn about was Ben Franklin because he invented lots of really cool things.” —TERRANCE
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