NHPF Affordable Housing Blueprint


Strategic Priorities BUILDING ON OUR 30-YEAR industry track record, NHPF is in the midst of a comprehensive Five-Year Strategic Plan. It is an exciting time for us. Despite challenging market conditions, we continue to effectively implement many of our priority initiatives, and are well-positioned for further growth that will allow us to continue to provide quality affordable housing—building and strengthening communities.

Our Strategic Plan sets three priorities:

1. Create and preserve more housing that is affordable to families and seniors of low and moderate income The need is acute and ongoing and exacerbated by effects of Covid-19. NHPF continues to meet that need by bridging the gap between housing and healthcare, collaborating with a range of partners on innovative new funding models such as privatized bonds, NHPF is looking at making underutilized housing stock available through healthcare service and nancial partnerships that will increase positive health and wellness outcomes for individuals and families. 2. M aximize the impact of housing and services for residents and neighborhoods Operation Pathways was one of the first resident services providers in the U.S. to adopt Family-Centered Coaching, rooted in an understanding of the combined institutional forces preventing families from moving forward. Family-Centered Coaching, developed by the Prosperity Agenda with the support of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, equips staff with the mindset, skills and ongoing resources to work holistically with families towards financial wellness. The approach teaches human service organizations to better engage with, and assist, families experiencing poverty and other hardship. 3. Leverage the resources of NHPF to magnify its impact Work with partners, funders, municipalities, housing nance and other agencies, and residents of our communities to drive opportunity and increase funding, innovation, and commitment to quality affordable housing. Collaborate with organizations whose different capabilities complement NHPF resources—talent, experience, networks, reputation, as well as capital—to reach aligned goals.

6 • The NHP Foundation: Affordable Housing Blueprint

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