NHPF Builds


The NHP Foundation (NHPF) is a leading provider of affordable housing in 16 states and the District of Columbia. Our roots preserving and creating affordable housing in The Big Easy began in 1996 with the redevelopment of Forest Park and Walnut Square. The properties, which provide affordable housing for families and seniors, are shining examples of how to rebuild after a catastrophe, in this case Hurricane Katrina. The renovation and preservation of these two properties required a delicate balance between preserving property in the most efficient, cost-effective way while creating a seamless process for residents in the interim. 25 years later, the resiliency of these two properties is still evident. NHPF Builds New Orleans Currently, Forest Park and Walnut Square boast some of the most successful resident services programming in the NHPF portfolio via our resident services subsidiary, Operation Pathways. These properties feature countless success stories of how coaching relationships work to meet the interconnected needs and desires of participants while working to dismantle disparities in education, employment, healthcare, financial literacy, food access, neighborhood safety, and more. Trained Operation Pathways coaches provide a set of strategies, tools, and resources that reinvent how to engage with families experiencing poverty. Coaching programs by definition offer ways for practitioners to create and sustain robust holistic services and programs that are only fully realized by partnering with families to address their needs and make progress on their goals. This kind of inclusive approach increases the likelihood of long-term success and transformational outcomes.



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