The NHP Foundation: Impact Report 2020

Makerspace at Stamford’s Bayview Towers with Cast Researchers In addition to going over and beyond to make sure residents were able to receive services and assistance during the Pandemic, Operation Pathways also managed to make voting assistance available to many residents. As well, Operation Pathways is offering some unique programming such as the makerspace in Stamford’s Bayview Towers, in partnership with The Center for Applied Special Technology, an education research nonprofit, introducing residents to science and technology learning and hands-on projects.

Green Measures 108 Million Gallons of Water Saved $1.4 Million in Water Bill Reductions

1957  Almost 2000 Energy Efficient Windows Have Been Installed at NHPF Properties

1,494 Smoke-free Units

Going Green with NHPF NHPF believes that nothing helps improve the quality of our housing more than going green. We have concentrated on infusing our residents and staff with a sustainable mindset, demonstrating in meaningful ways the value of concepts like water consumption reduction and energy efficiency. We have also spent time sharing the “good news” about cost- and energy-savings with residents who are only too pleased to learn what energy savings the organization realizes. Since 2018, we’ve executed water-retrofit programs in 1,311 units which are expected to reduce water usage up to 35%. Portfolio water consumption continues to remain low at 57.60 gallons per square foot which is 34% below 2013 numbers. NHPF also completed rehabilitation of over 90 units in 2018 that included upgrades to Energy Star appliances and HVAC systems, water- efficient plumbing fixtures, solar panels that generate electricity for the common areas, and window replacements.

Kick-off event at Bayview Towers with CAST researchers, creating a Makerspace in the affordable housing building to encourage STEM learning.

Operation Pathways By the Numbers

Residents Participated in Operation Pathways Programs & Services


5,776 Residents Participated in Healthier Living Programs & Services

485 Organizations Partnered with Operation Pathways

1,545 Residents Received Financial Education & Financial Support Services

1,797 Residents Received Benefits

Enrollment Support & Assistance

NHPF Social Impact 97.7% Occupancy Rate

1,129 Residents Received Housing & Household Management Support

97% Of Properties Have

1,537 Residents Participated in Voter

On-Site Community Facilities

Registration & Registration Initiatives

943 Residents Received Eviction Prevention Assistance

90% Of Units Serve Households At or Below 80% AMI @nhpfoundation

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