Pathway to Health and Wellness With positive benefits for residents of all ages, Operation Pathways offered a multi-faceted program in 2013 devoted to enhancing healthy lifestyles through eight different exercise programs, The President’s Fitness Challenge, playground enhancements, nutrition classes, and mobile wellness and screening centers. Brighten-Up Afterschool Program This program flourished in 2013. Through pre-and post-testing we were able to confirm improved math and reading performance skills. These astonishing results for hundreds of children are thanks to the Brighten-Up Afterschool Programs and its Four Pillars of Success: • H ome-School Connection—serving as a liaison for effective parent- teacher communications • H omework Habits—offering much needed after-school homework assistance before working parents return home • V irtual Vacation—increasing cultural awareness and sensitivity while developing basic academic skills • E xploration Station—providing small group and one-on-one academic tutoring Brighten-Up Summer Camp Program This program has proved to be invaluable in preventing summer learning loss, a greater challenge for low-income children than for higher-income students. In 2013, we are proud to report the vast majority of Operation Pathways’ summer campers experienced no signs of summer learning loss in math or reading.
Operation Pathways’ dynamic programming enhances the lives of residents at NHPF properties.
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