NHPF Affordable Housing Blueprint

Our History of Success


Fearlessly Reinventing NHPF and Bringing About Remarkable Transformation NHPF CEO Richard F. Burns has leveraged his years of financial investment prowess to do things differently—and successfully—to continuously guide NHPF to where we are today, an industry leader consistently surpassing expectations while living up to our Mission Statement : The NHP Foundation is a not-for-profit real estate organization dedicated to preserving and creating sustainable, service-enriched multifamily housing that is both affordable to low and moderate income families and seniors, and beneficial to their communities. To that end, NHPF combines proven investment techniques with an infusion of entrepreneurial spirit resulting in the organization securing nearly $400M in LIHTC equity. This same balance helps foster valued partnerships with multiple financial institutions, municipalities, elected officials, and other investors to realize nearly 20,000 affordable apartment and single-family rental homes made available to families and seniors in need. We are most proud of NHPF’s relationships at every level of the funding equation, enabling us to successfully obtain the essentials of affordable transactions including LIHTC investment (both 4% and scarce 9% credits), grants, subsidies, housing vouchers, and loans.

Today, NHPF is a Recognized Pioneer Expanding our portfolio across the country to include a robust presence in Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia and ensuring our Vision Statement is a reality: A future where communities flourish because attractive, sustainable housing options and life-enhancing services are ensured for income- challenged Americans. NHPF stays on the cutting edge of all available affordable housing options via the preservation, rehabilitation, and ground-up construction of: • Traditional multifamily housing • Scatter-site single family home rentals • Faith-based housing opportunities • TOPA (Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act) • Large Scale Preservation Deals • P RAC (Project Rental Assistance Contracts) Type of Senior Properties • PSH (Permanent Supportive Housing) • R AD (Rental Assistance Demonstration) for Single-family Rental Homes • SRO (Single Room Occupancy) Dwellings

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