Building on the Strengths of Residents
2018 was a year of remarkable recognition and transformation for Operation Pathways.
Early in the year, our organization was designated as the first CORES certified resident services provider in the country. CORES Certification recognizes organizations that have developed a robust commitment, capacity, and competency in providing resident services coordination in affordable rental housing. This recognition inspired the Operation Pathways team to create more productive and meaningful relationships with our residents; leveraging our mutual strengths as creative, capable and resourceful partners to problem-solve together. We believe that the traditional, transactional relationship of helping a resident fix a problem, while well-intended, falls short in bringing about long-term positive lifestyle changes. Residents achieve more for themselves and their families via “family- centered coaching” which focuses on their strengths and the value that they bring to the table. The results of this approach have included important breakthroughs in the daily lives of the people who live in our properties. For example, Ms. Williams had a family emergency and needed to travel out of state. She spent her rent money on her travel and found herself and her 3-year old son in danger of eviction. Our resident services coordinator (RSC) immediately helped Ms. Williams find an agency to pay the rent and late fee. The focus had been: find a solution to the problem, “check the box” for eviction prevention, case closed. But through our own investment in training, we decided to adopt a more holistic approach. Ms. Williams recognized her need for a financial safety net for situations like these so that she wouldn’t spend her rent money on emergencies. The RSC offered her financial coaching and Ms. Williams started working towards that goal. The RSC recognized her strengths (steady work, childcare, a network of friends and family) and Ms. Williams did the rest. This is just one of the transformative stories our residents have to tell. Through this process, Operation Pathways has come to realize that recognizing our residents’ strengths makes us all stronger.
Richard F. Burns
Kenneth D. White
Richard F. Burns
Kenneth D. White
President & Chief Executive, NHPF
Executive Director, Operation Pathways
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