such as the LIHTC, HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) must be sustained and expanded to continue support for affordable housing. Almost ten years down the line from the Great Recession, the national Housing Trust Fund (HTF) is one of the first new federal resources aimed at pro- moting safe and affordable housing for extremely low income Americans. 79 Block grants distributed to states (independent of existing HUD programs) help target the most vulnerable populations in states, such as extremely low income (ELI) renters, the homeless, veterans, the elderly, and individuals with disabilities. In addition to focusing on the traditionally most vulnerably housed individuals, states place emphasis on projects that are environmentally friendly, located in neighborhoods of opportunity, and are conveniently located to essential public transportation services. HTF is a new and exciting tool for affordable housing providers and advocates and the first step in the right direction. Future initia- tives by the federal government must continue financial support for states and local communities to pursue housing projects.
30 Pay for Success & Affordable Housing | Stefano Rumi
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