OP Annual Report 2023: Housing Stability

2023: With Housing Stability, All Things Are Possible

“Oh the places you’ll go!” — DR. SEUSS



WHEN WE LOOK BACK ON OUR 25 YEARS providing onsite resident services to over 150,000 people who have lived in our affordable housing communities, we are inspired by the fortitude residents demonstrate on their path towards financial stability. Operation Pathways (OP) is proud of the many young people who grew up in The NHP Foundation (NHPF) affordable housing communities and went on to college and impactful careers, seniors who have found “second acts” through volunteering or starting new businesses, and families whose acquisition of financial literacy skills and job training, transitioned to home ownership. One thing we never lose sight of is the all-encompassing role of Resident Services Coordinators (RSCs), in walking beside residents who are looking to reach goals and better their lives. RSCs are officially Connectors, Coaches, Program Managers, Partnership Managers, and Event Planners as well as unofficial shoulders to lean on, hands to hold, and ears to listen. Their jobs assisting residents with everything from 62 programs in which nearly 6,000 residents participated during 2023 run the gamut and enable opportunity. This past year, RSCs secured rental assistance of $146,000 and delivered 6,480 meals and groceries. RSCs also worked tirelessly to help residents gain back benefits they had lost, complete the complex application process for children with special needs to attend appropriate schools, and even develop a unique health program for young women residents that will be rolled out to all OP properties. As dedicated as our RSCs are, there are other heroes in the successful resident services work we do. Partner organizations who provide educational support, food

security, insurance information, goods and services, and financial assistance are also often the wind in our sails. This year, we worked with 320 partner agencies supporting 3,516 residents. These partners include Toys for Tots (holiday gifts), The Ligons Movement (food security), The Junior League of New Orleans (diaper bank), Ibis Health (health and wellness), Fresh Food Factory, (food security), Food for All (food security), Food Bank of South Jersey (food security), Bucks County Opportunity County (various services), Share Our Strength (health programs), YWCA Bucks County (youth

services), and Click Four Help (youth services). Our goal in 2024 is simple, more like this! OP is

working tirelessly to provide the kind of personalized programming and work with partners that residents often use as a springboard for major life changes. OP’s mission remains clear, to transform affordable housing communities through innovative programs that engage, empower, and support residents to achieve the futures they desire. Or, as Dr. Seuss also said, “So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life’s A Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed!” Richard F. Burns Kenneth D. White President, Executive Director & CEO, Operation Pathways Operation Pathways


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