NHPF Quarterly Newsletters

partners including the DC Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD); DC Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED); DC Green Bank; and DC Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE). Ridgecrest Phase 2, a property acquired by NHPF on behalf of the Ridgecrest Village Tenants’ Association in 2019, is undergoing substantial rehabilitation with a focus on energy efficiency and sustainability. This initiative is noteworthy for several reasons: Ridgecrest Phase 2, a property acquired by NHPF on behalf of the Ridgecrest Village Tenants’ Association in 2019, is undergoing substantial rehabilitation with a focus on energy efficiency and sustainability. This initiative is noteworthy for several reasons: • It is the inaugural residential rehab financed by the District's Revenue Bond program, supported through a tax-exempt 501c3 bond transaction. • The project pioneers an aggressive effort to enhance energy efficiency in an existing asset, thanks to generous funding from the District, enabling improvements that were traditionally cost-prohibitive for affordable housing projects. energy efficiency in an existing asset, thanks to generous funding from the District, enabling improvements that were traditionally cost-prohibitive for affordable housing projects. • Ridgecrest Phase 2 is among the first rehab projects of its size to transition to fully electric energy sources, aligning with District goals for decarbonization. • Ridgecrest Phase 2 is among the first rehab projects of its size to transition to fully electric energy sources, aligning with District goals for decarbonization. project, undertaken in collaboration with financing partners including the DC Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD); DC Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development (DMPED); DC Green Bank; and DC Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE). Ridgecrest Village Apartments, Washington, DC (continued) • It is the inaugural residential rehab financed by the District's Revenue Bond program, supported through a tax-exempt 501c3 bond transaction. • The project pioneers an aggressive effort to enhance

Our Top 5 Picks for the Quarter Stay informed and entertained by this quarter’s media choices reflecting on aspects of affordable housing, social justice and other relevant topics. 1. The Morning Huddle Construction Show with Chad Prinkey A construction industry interview show from the executive trainer we all know! The Morning Huddle is a platform for people who are creating positive change in the building industry. The podcast contains short-form interviews that are entertaining and educational so our guests can share their message. 1. The Morning Huddle Construction Show with Chad Prinkey A construction industry interview show from the executive trainer we all know! The Morning Huddle is a platform for people who are creating positive change in the building industry. The podcast contains short-form interviews that are entertaining and educational so our guests can share their message. 2. Wandering Stars is award-winning author, Tommy Orange’s scathing indictment of the United States’ war on its own people, working to reshape the Native American story in the United States, 2. Wandering Stars is award-winning author, Tommy Orange’s scathing indictment of the United States’ war on its own people, working to reshape the Native American story in the United States, 3. Executive produced by Academy Award Winner Common, Grassland is a riveting social justice thriller highlighting the perils of marijuana incarceration. 3. Executive produced by Academy Award Winner Common, Grassland is a riveting social justice thriller highlighting the perils of marijuana incarceration. 4. Build, Baby, Build: The Science and Ethics of Housing Regulation , is a non-fiction graphic novel. Think of it as the comic book equivalent of a documentary that combines words and pictures to give readers a tour of housing regulation, with a focus on how government restricts the construction industry, and what would happen if the restrictions were lifted. 4. Build, Baby, Build: The Science and Ethics of Housing Regulation , is a non-fiction graphic novel. Think of it as the comic book equivalent of a documentary that combines words and pictures to give readers a tour of housing regulation, with a focus on how government restricts the construction industry, and what would happen if the restrictions were lifted. 5. Nowhere to Live: The Hidden Story of America’s Housing Crisis takes readers through the history of how we got here. With stories going back to the Civil War, the early 20th century, and the ill-fated "urban renewal" movement of the 1950s, Nowhere to Live reveals how the government layered mistake upon mistake to create the current housing crisis. It also provides a way out: not by government fiat, but through the restoration of private property rights. 5. Nowhere to Live: The Hidden Story of America’s Housing Crisis takes readers through the history of how we got here. With stories going back to the Civil War, the early 20th century, and the ill-fated "urban renewal" movement of the 1950s, Nowhere to Live reveals how the government layered mistake upon mistake to create the current housing crisis. It also provides a way out: not by government fiat, but through the restoration of private property rights. Our Top 5 Picks for the Quarter Stay informed and entertained by this quarter’s media choices reflecting on aspects of affordable housing, social justice and other relevant topics.

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