NHPF Quarterly Newsletters

The NHPF Quarterly March 2022

The NHP Foundation 2022 Symposium NHPF has spent the first quarter pulling together the key elements for the 6th Annual NHPF Symposium: One Paycheck Away from Homelessness: Building Popular Support for Affordable Housing this October 19 in Washington, DC.

This year we will take a deep dive into what it takes to move unsheltered people into affordable housing and enable them to stay there and thrive. We are especially excited to hear from Jeff Olivet, the newly named Executive Director of the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness in the Biden administration. Attendees to the in-person event will also hear four unique “success stories” demonstrating the role public support played in providing affordable housing for those already homeless or living “one paycheck away from homelessness.”

We urge everyone to support and attend this event which comes at a critical time in our country, when the vulnerable are more at-risk than ever and the power to change things is in our grasp.

NHPF Receives Funding for NUBA Apartments in Boston

The NHP Foundation has been awarded $2.5M from the Mayor’s Office of Housing for NUBA Apartments, a new mid-rise building containing 60 units of mixed-income housing and seven live/work units affordable to households with area median incomes between 30% AMI-120% AMI in Nubian Square area of the Roxbury Neighborhood of Boston. NHPF and Urbanica were selected to co-develop Parcel 8 through a competitive RFP process that promotes City goals to affirmatively further fair housing, and efficiently utilize City resources and/or land to increase the supply of housing available to low- and moderate-income households.

Families Start Moving into the Strand Residences, Washington, DC This quarter, Leshada Stewart moved into her beautiful new apartment in the Strand Residences. Leshada is a single mother with a 6-month old baby who had been waiting for this moment for almost a year; she thought, at times, it might never happen. When she entered the new unit, she was overjoyed, jumping and running around saying “This is great and thank you, God.” A very great moment, indeed.


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