Thought Leadership: Symposia
Where You Live Matters
Mission The NHP Foundation is a not-for-profit real estate organization dedicated to preserving and creating sustainable, service- enriched multifamily housing that is both affordable to low and moderate income families and seniors, and beneficial to their communities.
Vision A future where
communities flourish because attractive, sustainable housing options and life-enhancing
services are ensured for income-challenged Americans.
Values NHPF seeks to promote greater diversity, inclusion, racial equity, and social justice in addition to its long- established mission of providing sustainable, service-enriched affordable housing. NHPF is committed to increasing access to opportunities for historically underrepresented individuals and businesses in the development and operation of affordable housing communities.
The NHP Foundation 2024 Symposium
Adapting Affordable Housing to the New Realities
The NHP Foundation 2023 Symposium
The Future of Affordable Housing: Interconnecting Construction, Demographics, Government & Innovation
The NHP Foundation 2022 Symposium
One Paycheck Away from Homelessness: Building Popular Support for Affordable Housing
The NHP Foundation 2021 Symposium A Decade of Rental Housing Vulnerability: Lessons from Financial Crisis to Coronavirus
The NHP Foundation 2020 Symposium
Growing Up & Out of Poverty: Why Housing Matters
The NHP Foundation 2019 Symposium
Affordable Housing Investment: Impactful Returns Realized
The NHP Foundation 2018 Symposium
Housing & Health: The Backbone of Strong Communities
The NHP Foundation 2017 Symposium
Pay for Success and Affordable Housing: An Afternoon of Learning, An Evening of Recognition
Wednesday, October 16 • Union Station, Washington, DC • 3:30–8:30 PM
2024 Symposium: Richard F. Burns, CEO, NHPF
Welcome to the 8th Annual NHPF Symposium, Adapting Affordable Housing to the New Realities. I am personally very proud of how this year’s event came together. We began with a review of the findings of last year’s Symposium which took a very forward-thinking look at what we all must do to sustain the creation and preservation of affordable housing. The broad-ranging 2023 findings that included everything from bolstering the insurance industry to investing in construction industry apprenticeships, convinced us that there are some very important new realities encompassing
financial strategies, sustainability and urban crime. Because, to dust off a familiar line, “the future is now.”
I met with several of my NHPF colleagues to determine what they believed to be the three most essential new realities. This collaboration with NHPF staffers from all areas of the organization proved most fruitful and the results led to the creation of our in-depth industry survey, select panelists and our short film. We know every one of you here tonight shares the urgency we feel to implement some major initiatives going forward and to inspire us all to do so, we are so pleased to welcome incredible athlete, author and dynamic speaker, Diana Nyad as our keynote speaker. We hope the evening’s presentations will encourage you to take our conclusions and recommendations and incorporate them into your work to further the affordable housing goals we all want to reach. In the meantime, engage in conversation and cocktails with a colleague, and enjoy the program.
4 Adapting Affordable Housing to the New Realities
The NHP Foundation 2024 Symposium Corporate Sponsors
Adapting Affordable Housing to the New Realities 5
The NHP Foundation 2024 Symposium Adapting Affordable Housing to the New Realities
Symposium Chairs
Symposium Moderators
Sheldon L. Schreiberg Senior Counsel, Lobel Novins & Lamont, LLP
Camden Carpenter Assistant Development Manager, The NHP Foundation
Veronica Gonzalez Development Director, Midwest, The NHP Foundation
Congressional Award 2024 NHPF Affordable Housing Trailblazer Honorees
Industry Award 2024 NHPF Industry Leader Award Honoree
Darin LaHood Representative (R-IL)
Ritchie Torres Representative (D-NY)
Paul Sween Senior Managing Partner, Dominium
6 Adapting Affordable Housing to the New Realities
The NHP Foundation 2024 Symposium Adapting Affordable Housing to the New Realities
Conversation Moderator Conversation Panelists
Eva Thibaudeau-Graczyk Director, Supportive Housing, NHPF
David Bowers Vice President, Mid-Atlantic Market and Senior Advisor, Faith-Based Development Initiative, Enterprise Community Partners
Carlos Martín Director, Remodeling Futures Program, Harvard University Joint Center for Housing Studies
David A. Northern, Sr. President & CEO, Houston Housing Authority
Keynote Speaker
Diana Nyad World Champion athlete, renowned inspirational speaker, & author
Adapting Affordable Housing to the New Realities 7
2023 Symposium: Richard F. Burns, CEO, NHPF
In the affordable housing industry, all of our work today is for a tomorrow where residents live in safe, sustainable housing that won’t require heart wrenching choices to make monthly rent. The future we hope to see would include the ability for families, seniors, those with disabilities and others to have abundant housing choices—everything from traditional multifamily housing to single-family rentals ultimately available to purchase. And this housing must include amenities uniquely tailored to the wide variety of generations in need of housing, everyone from the Silent Generation, the Boomers,
Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z, and those yet to come. This same future would take sustainability seriously, using materials and processes that ensure high-quality long-lasting and durable buildings, constructed safely and cost- effectively in areas where natural and other disasters are a part of life. Affordable housing for the future would factor in proximity to the places residents need to access. This means abundant local transportation, shopping, medical facilities and jobs. The future workforce would ideally have housing near their places of employment. We also have a future in mind where authorities at all levels—city, county, state and federal—are able to modify archaic zoning restrictions that inhibit affordable housing construction. It is incumbent upon our industry to encourage elected officials to make changes to these restrictions that can benefit all communities. With this same future in mind, NHPF’s teams of developers, asset managers, construction personnel and others are striving to ensure that our industry is as inclusive as possible, providing and encouraging opportunities for all. This year’s Symposium offers up experts with plenty of recommendations and bright ideas for the affordable housing of the future. We hope you will start thinking about incorporating their suggestions for a future that will most certainly impact affordable housing as we know it today.
8 The Future of Affordable Housing: Interconnecting Construction,Demographics, Government & Innovation
The NHP Foundation 2023 Symposium Corporate Sponsors
The Future of Affordable Housing: Interconnecting Construction,Demographics, Government & Innovation 9
The NHP Foundation 2023 Symposium The Future of Affordable Housing: Interconnecting Construction, Demographics, Government & Innovation
Symposium Co-Chairs
Symposium Moderators
Charu Singh Managing Director, Portfolio Management, Emergent Capital Partners
Glynna K. Christian Head of Global Technology Transactions, Holland & Knight, LLP
Mansur Abdul-Malik Senior Vice President, Development, The NHP Foundation
Camden Carpenter Assistant Development Manager, The NHP Foundation
Congressional Awards 2023 NHPF Affordable Housing Advocacy Award Honorees
Industry Award 2023 NHPF Affordable Housing Trailblazer Award
Suzan DelBene Representative (D-WA)
Brad Wenstrup Representative (R-OH)
Donahue Peebles III Chairman, Legacy Real Estate Development
10 The Future of Affordable Housing: Interconnecting Construction,Demographics, Government & Innovation
The NHP Foundation 2023 Symposium The Future of Affordable Housing: Interconnecting Construction, Demographics, Government & Innovation
Special Guest Speaker
Keynote Speaker
Urban Futurist
Wemimo Abbey Co-Founder & Co-CEO, Esusu
Dr. Cindy Frewen, FAIA Urban Futurist & Architect
Ethan Handelman Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Multifamily Housing Programs, HUD
The Future of Affordable Housing Through Different Lenses Presenters
Roger Krulak CEO, FullStack Modular
Garet Marr Managing Director, Franklin Street Insurance Services
Philip Bump National Columnist, The Washington Post
Donahue Peebles III Chairman, Legacy Real Estate Development
The Future of Affordable Housing: Interconnecting Construction,Demographics, Government & Innovation 11
2022 Symposium: Richard F. Burns, CEO, NHPF
The 6th Annual NHP Foundation Symposium, One Paycheck Away from Homelessness: Building Popular Support for Affordable Housing, is our first Symposium since the start of the Pandemic to be completely in-person. The strong appeal of this event has always included the opportunity to network with people from all corners of the affordable housing universe. We all know how reliant successful business is on the relationships you make, so we hope you will be able to build new relationships and revive old ones during this Symposium. The occasion is also marked by the generous outpouring
of sponsorship and contribution dollars received. We have raised over $600,000 for our Resident Services subsidiary, Operation Pathways, a record for the six years we have held this event. This generosity will provide much needed support for the terrific programs they provide to improve the lives of the residents of our properties. Nearly 25% of this year’s sponsors are new to the Symposium, attracted to the quality programs and speakers as well as the opportunity to develop meaningful business relationships among our developers, asset managers, investors, and a variety of other participants. At each Symposium we distribute a topically relevant research report to the sponsors and attendees. This year’s report is on homelessness. During this past year, we gathered opinions from non-governmental organizations in the affordable housing world as well as the general public about the precariousness of near homelessness and the urgency of building support for the affordable housing that every county in the United States is lacking. The challenges become evident in the responses we received, as there is favorable opinion on the need, but some disagreement when it comes to how to solve it. Many of these challenges are addressed tonight by notable figures in the industry who have achieved remarkable successes in overcoming neighborhood negatives and getting some significant housing built. We will all learn something from their presentations. We hope that by the end of the program you will take the conclusions and recommendations of our speakers back with you and hopefully implement some good ideas to further your own affordable housing goals.
12 One Paycheck Away from Homelessness: Building Popular Support for Affordable Housing
The NHP Foundation 2022 Symposium Corporate Sponsors
One Paycheck Away from Homelessness: Building Popular Support for Affordable Housing 13
The NHP Foundation 2022 Symposium One Paycheck Away from Homelessness: Building Popular Support for Affordable Housing
Symposium Co-Chairs
Sheldon L. Schreiberg NHPF Trustee, Senior Counsel, Lobel Novins & Lamont, LLP
Cherie Santos-Wuest NHPF Trustee, Managing Partner Celadon Venture Advisors, Former Director Global Social & Community Investing TIAA-CREF
Congressional Award NHPF Homeless to Housing Advocacy Award Honoree
Industry Award 2022 NHPF Industry Leader Award Honoree
Eva Thibaudeau-Graczyk Chief Executive Officer, Temenos Community Development Corporation
Senator Ron Wyden (D-Or) Committee on Finance (Chair); Joint Committee on Taxation (Chair); Subcommittee on Energy, Natural Resources, and Infrastructure
14 One Paycheck Away from Homelessness: Building Popular Support for Affordable Housing
The NHP Foundation 2022 Symposium One Paycheck Away from Homelessness: Building Popular Support for Affordable Housing
Keynote Speaker
Panel Moderators
Thom Amdur Senior Vice President, Policy & Impact, Lincoln Avenue Capital (LAC)
Jeff Olivet Executive Director, United States Interagency Council won Homelessness (USICH)
Emily Cadik Chief Executive Officer, Affordable Housing Tax Credit Coalition (AHTCC)
Building Achievement Presentations Speakers
Eva Thibaudeau-Graczyk Chief Executive Officer, Temenos Community Development Corporation
Jon Searles Community & Economic Development Officer, Wisconsin Housing & Economic Development Authority (WHEDA)
Brian Rossbert Executive Director, Housing Colorado
Arlo Monell Chase Senior Vice President, Real Estate & Property Development, Services for the UnderServed (s:US)
One Paycheck Away from Homelessness: Building Popular Support for Affordable Housing 15
2021 Symposium: Richard F. Burns, President & CEO, NHPF
The 5th Annual NHP Foundation Symposium, A Decade of Rental Housing Vulnerability: Lessons from Financial Crisis to Coronavirus, wouldn’t be possible without participation from sponsors, partners, attendees, speakers, and staff. Thank you all for making this annual event such a collaborative success. Today’s Symposium explores what we’re learning from ten years of housing challenges, beginning with the Great Recession to the pandemic that brought the world to its knees. 2020 certainly provided us with time to reflect on how our industry must reckon with these challenges—the impacts and ill effects that have created a country where no single county has enough affordable housing, to near daily reckonings of years of institutionalized racism to the ravishes of increased regional flooding and fires and questionable governmental policy decisions. Which brings us to today, where, although we are not quite in a “post-pandemic” world, we are fortunate enough to be together with other like-minded individuals to hold up a spotlight to the issues and forge fresh paths forward with the knowledge of years past. This year’s program, A Decade of Rental Housing Vulnerability: Lessons Learned from Financial Crisis to Coronavirus, features extraordinary examples of collaboration beginning with recognition for lawmakers who work across the aisle to prioritize housing legislation for people of low to moderate income and strive to make a difference. We will hear incisive reporting from Enterprise Community Partners, with whom we collaborated to produce a survey of decision-makers and influencers throughout the affordable housing spectrum including developers, federal, state and local elected officials and policymakers. The survey’s focus is on the factors that have contributed to the vulnerability of affordable housing throughout the last decade, drawing insights from three periods of the timeline that brought us here today:
Great Recession & Aftermath (2008–2011) Rebuilding in a Divided US (2012–2019) Pandemic & Social Upheaval (2020–2021)
Takeaways from this research serve to inform Conversations with top representatives from the important disciplines that help the industry create and preserve affordable housing and whose opinions we greatly respect as we shape affordable housing strategies for the future. Finally we will provide a look at how your generous contributions work hard onsite at our properties and some examples of young residents who have benefited. Our goal, as always is to inspire more dialog about how we in the affordable housing ecosystem can create meaningful change. So, let’s continue to converse, collaborate and cooperate on solutions we can all be a part of going forward. Again, thank you to all of the elected officials, housing experts, and speakers as well as our sponsors and attendees. That you have chosen to continue to support NHPF’s mission of providing pathways that residents can follow to achieve their own goals is extremely powerful and we appreciate each and every one of you. We hope you will enjoy our program and come away invigorated for the work ahead.
16 A Decade of Rental Housing Vulnerability: Lessons from Financial Crisis to Coronavirus
The NHP Foundation 2021 Symposium Corporate Sponsors
A Decade of Rental Housing Vulnerability: Lessons from Financial Crisis to Coronavirus 17
The NHP Foundation 2021 Symposium A Decade of Rental Housing Vulnerability: Lessons from Financial Crisis to Coronavirus
Symposium Co-Chairs
Sarah E. Feinberg NHPF Trustee, Founder, Feinberg Strategies, LLC
Cherie Santos-Wuest NHPF Trustee, Managing Partner Celadon Venture Advisors, Former Director Global Social & Community Investing TIAA-CREF
Ralph F. Boyd, Jr. NHPF Trustee, Chair; President & Chief Executive Officer, SOME (So Others Might Eat)
Congressional Awards 2021 NHPF Affordable Housing Trailblazer Award Honorees
Industry Awards
2021 NHPF Affordable Housing Advocacy Award Honoree
2021 NHPF Affordable Housing Leader Award Honoree
Eleanor Holmes Norton Delegate to United States House of Representatives, DC
Representative Nydia Velázquez (D-NY)
Representative Ann Wagner (R-MO)
Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX)
Keynote Speaker
Presentation A Decade of Affordable Rental Housing Vulnerability & Beyond
Kimberly Latrice Jones Black Activist And Author
Andrew Jakabovics Vice-President, Policy Development, Enterprise Community Partners, Inc.
Laura Demaria MPA, Executive Director, National Association for County Community & Economic Development
18 A Decade of Rental Housing Vulnerability: Lessons from Financial Crisis to Coronavirus
The NHP Foundation 2021 Symposium A Decade of Rental Housing Vulnerability: Lessons from Financial Crisis to Coronavirus
A Conversation: Mayors of Major Municipalities
Mayor Francis Suarez City of Miami, FL
Mayor Sylvester Turner City of Houston, TX
Mayor Justin Elicker City of New Haven, CT
A Conversation: Policy Influencers & Academics
Ingrid Gould Ellen Paulette Goddard Professor of Urban Policy & Planning, Faculty Director, NYU Furman Center for Real Estate & Urban Policy
Emily Cadik Executive Director, Affordable Housing Tax Credit Coalition (AHTCC)
Jenny Schuetz Senior Fellow, Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program
Neil McCullagh Executive Director, Corcoran Center for Real Estate & Urban Action, Boston College
A Conversation: State Housing Agency Partners
J. Michael Hawkins Managing Director, Community Outreach for Virginia Housing (VH)
Marisa Button Director of Multifamily Programs for Florida Housing Finance Corporation
Nandini Natarajan Chief Executive Officer, Connecticut Housing Finance Authority
Chrystal Kornegay Executive Director, MassHousing
A Decade of Rental Housing Vulnerability: Lessons from Financial Crisis to Coronavirus 19
2020 Symposium: Richard F. Burns, President & CEO, NHPF
Welcome to the 4th Annual NHP Foundation Symposium, Growing Up & Out of Poverty: Why Housing Matters, examining the intersection between affordable housing, academic success, and opportunities for social mobility. 2020 has been a challenging year for all of us. The impact of the pandemic has reached every corner of our industry. Yet while everything else in our world seems to be changing, the root causes of poverty in this country remain very much the same, only heightened to a vertiginous degree. This year’s Symposium critically examines two factors which, when combined, create economic and social prosperity: improved access to education and safe, affordable housing. This undertaking became more important as the pandemic and other national woes upended the lives of society’s most vulnerable, leading us to align with Enterprise Community Partners to conduct an in-depth survey of educators in order to determine the key factors young people need to succeed academically, socially and economically. The survey results presented here today will serve as the foundation for “A Conversation,” an in-depth dialog featuring inspiring stories from individuals who themselves have grown up and out of poverty. Our goal is that this conversation will inspire more dialog about how the affordable housing ecosystem can support others. We are grateful to this year’s speakers, including our keynote, Matthew Desmond. This dynamic group will offer attendees meaningful takeaways for how to meet the challenges of a nation in need of housing that people can afford. We are also grateful to our sponsors and attendees. In this most difficult of years, you have chosen to embrace NHPF’s mission of providing pathways that residents can follow up and out of poverty. We hope you will join us as we continue to foster strong relationships essential to the success of our valuable work.We hope you will enjoy our program and come away invigorated for the work ahead.
20 Growing Up & Out of Poverty: Why Housing Matters
The NHP Foundation 2020 Symposium Corporate Sponsors
Growing Up & Out of Poverty: Why Housing Matters 21
The NHP Foundation 2020 Symposium Growing Up & Out of Poverty: Why Housing Matters
Symposium Co-Chairs
Sheldon L. Schreiberg NHPF Trustee, Senior Counsel, Lobel Novins & Lamont, LLP
Cherie Santos-Wuest NHPF Trustee, Managing Partner Celadon Venture Advisors, Former Director Global Social & Community Investing TIAA-CREF
Robert H. Abrams Trustee; Director & Founder, Program in Real Estate (retired), Cornell University; Founder & Former President, Abrams Benisch Riker, Inc.
Congressional Awards 2020 NHPF Affordable Housing Trailblazer Award Honorees
Industry Award 2020 NHPF Affordable Housing Leader Award Honoree
Dr. Maya Rockeymoore Cummings Accepting Award
Senator Todd Young (R-IN)
Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR)
Representative Elijah Cumming (D-MD) Posthumously
Keynote Speaker
Matthew Desmond Professor of Sociology, Princeton University
22 Growing Up & Out of Poverty: Why Housing Matters
The NHP Foundation 2020 Symposium Growing Up & Out of Poverty: Why Housing Matters
Presentation Aligning Housing & Education Outcomes
A Conversation Speakers
Mary E. Badillo, MD Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, Montifiore Medical Center
Andy Masters Strategic Partnership Manager, Knowledge, Impact & Strategy, Enterprise Community Partners
Derek Anderson NBA Pro Founder, Stamina Academy
Wes Moore CEO, The Robin Hood Foundation
Liz Murray Inspirational Speaker and Author
Growing Up & Out of Poverty: Why Housing Matters 23
Affordable Housing Investment: Impactful Returns Realized
Wednesday, October 16, Union Station, Washington, DC, 4:00–9:30 pm
2019 Symposium: Richard F. Burns, President & CEO, NHPF
Welcome to the 3rd Annual NHP Foundation Symposium & Dinner, Affordable Housing Investment: Impactful Returns Realized, and a celebration of our 30th anniversary. The past three decades the vast majority of affordable housing has been made possible by the highly successful LIHTC tool created by Congress. This remarkable, bi-partisan, legislation benefits everyone in the equation—renters, developers, and investors. NHPF’s success for the last 30 years is owed to early institutional investors
who saw the potential of this asset class to produce worthy returns, both financially and socially. Those initial investments from pioneering companies such as Aetna, John Hancock, Northwestern, and PNC created the original capital that NHPF has leveraged into today’s successful 51-property portfolio across 15 states and the District of Columbia. Those early stakeholders set the stage for future corporate investors. Participating corporations would invest in affordable housing, going on to receive returns on capital derived from federal tax credits, offsetting federal income tax liability. Since that time many traditional funders have successfully entered the affordable housing market, including a variety of private equity and private debt funds. However the need remains great. At a time when traditional investments like pension plans have fallen short of their projected returns, we are calling for a new generation of institutional investors to take up the challenge. Using impact investing or ESG criteria to better determine the future financial performance of affordable housing investment (return and risk) as well as our own positive data on affordable housing ROI, we are determined to show institutional investors the upsides of including this stable asset class in their portfolios. The concept led us to partner with Kingsley Associates, a real estate research industry leader. The firm conducted dozens of in-depth personal, confidential interviews with fund managers to gauge their current perceptions of investing in affordable housing as well as some recommendations for the industry. The results of the study, presented here today, serve as the springboard for the thought- provoking panel, led by Jonathan Schein of IREI, publishers of the real estate industry’s most respected publications, tackling the ongoing need to provide millions of Americans with quality, service-enriched affordable housing. We are grateful to this year’s Symposium and Dinner speakers and panelists. This dynamic collective provides attendees access to the latest industry strategies and innovative ideas, advanced through a discussion designed to create real momentum toward meeting the challenges of a nation without enough housing that people can afford. We are also grateful to our sponsors and investors during this, our 30th year. And as we move forward, we look to build on the sold financial foundation set by those early investors. We hope you will join us as we continue to foster strong relationships, which are essential to the success of our foundation’s valuable work. We truly appreciate your support!
24 Affordable Housing Investment: Impactful Returns Realized
The NHP Foundation 2019 Symposium Corporate Sponsors
Affordable Housing Investment: Impactful Returns Realized 25
The NHP Foundation 2019 Symposium Affordable Housing Investment: Impactful Returns Realized
Symposium Co-Chairs
Frank L. Sullivan, Jr. Co-Founder (retired), Clarion Partners
Robert H. Abrams Trustee; Director & Founder, Program in Real Estate (retired), Cornell University; Founder & Former President, Abrams Benisch Riker, Inc.
Glynna K. Christian Co-Head of Global Technology Transactions, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
Congressional Awards 2019 NHPF Affordable Housing Trailblazer Award Honorees
Industry Awards
10 Year Anniversary Honoree
Affordable Housing Leader Award Honoree
Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
Senator Tim Scott (R-SC)
Jonathan F.P. Rose President, Jonathan Rose Companies
Richard Burns President & CEO, The NHP Foundation
26 Affordable Housing Investment: Impactful Returns Realized
The NHP Foundation 2019 Symposium Affordable Housing Investment: Impactful Returns Realized
Presentation Based on Study Findings
Panel Discussion Speakers
Andy McMahon Vice President, Policy Health & Human Services, United Health Care
Cherie Santos-Wuest NHPF Trustee and Managing Partner, Celadon Venture Partners
John Falco Principal, Kingsley Associates
Panel Moderator
Reuben Teague Vice President, Impact Investments, Prudential Investment
Allison Turner Yager Partner, Mercer Consulting
Jonathan Schein Global Head of Business Development & Senior Vice President of Institutional Real Estate, Inc. (IREI)
David Wood Director of the Initiative for
Responsible Investment at the Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations, Harvard Kennedy School
Affordable Housing Investment: Impactful Returns Realized 27
Housing & Health: The Backbone
of Strong Communities Tuesday, October 16, Union Station, Washington, DC, 4:00–9:30 pm
2018 Symposium: Richard F. Burns, President & CEO, NHPF
Last year’s inaugural NHPF Symposium & Dinner explored the “Pay for Success” model to fund affordable housing. We brought together industry leaders, academics and lawmakers to exchange ideas, celebrate achievements and look for creative strategies to continue our mission of providing quality, service-enriched housing for low to middle income Americans.
The event was followed by a year of federal tax code reform, partisan bickering, and a shakeup of the healthcare landscape. The impact has resonated across public and private sectors, sparking a desire within our organization to bring great minds together once again to educate, engage, and design the future of our industry. This year’s Symposium & Dinner, Housing & Health: The Backbone of Strong Communities, examines the burgeoning intersection of housing and health. We’re looking to break down silos between different industries by inviting key healthcare representatives, investors, affordable housing developers, policymakers and social service providers to join us in realizing our goal of an affordable housing paradigm shift. This reboot will result from an empirical, beta-tested link between people living in safe, stable, affordable housing, and improved health outcomes. We will discuss a variety of ideas and strategies, including a new funding model for privatized housing vouchers. The goal is better lives for residents and sound investments for funders. We are extremely pleased that this year’s event has been met with such a tremendous response. We are grateful for our 70 sponsors and over 300 attendees. Thank you. Your support is especially important as The NHP Foundation embarks on its 30th year preserving and creating affordable housing for economically challenged Americans. While 2019 promises to be a year of opportunities and challenges, NHPF will continue its mission to provide residents with housing that is “more than a roof,” borne of dynamic new ideas and collaborative efforts. In closing, I’d like to say that the relationships which The NHP Foundation nurtures are among our greatest assets, and our accomplishments are your accomplishments. We look forward to your continued support and guidance. Please enjoy this evening’s program and accept our utmost appreciation for being here with us.
28 Housing & Health: The Backbone of Strong Communities
The NHP Foundation 2018 Symposium Corporate Sponsors
Housing & Health: The Backbone of Strong Communities 29
The NHP Foundation 2018 Symposium Housing & Health: The Backbone of Strong Communities
Symposium Co-Chairs
Ellis B. Carr President & CEO, Capital Impact Partners
Cherie Santos-Wuest NHPF Trustee, Managing Partner Celadon Venture Advisors, Former Director Global Social & Community Investing TIAA-CREF
Sheldon L. Schreiberg NHPF Trustee, Senior Counsel, Lobel Novins & Lamont, LLP
Congressional Award Honorees 2018 NHPF Affordable Housing Trailblazer Award
Senator Susan Collins (R-ME)
Representative Carlos Curbelo (R-FL)
Representative Suzan DelBene (D-WA)
Representative Jim Himes (D-CT)
Industry Award Honorees Affordable Housing Advocacy Award
Affordable Housing Advocacy Award
Affordable Housing Visionary Award
Affordable Housing Visionary Award
Thom Amdur Executive Director, National Housing & Rehabilitation Association
Monica Mitchell Wells Fargo
Michael Novogradac CPA, Novogradac & Company LLP
Maria Torres-Springer The Ford Foundation
30 Housing & Health: The Backbone of Strong Communities
The NHP Foundation 2018 Symposium Housing & Health: The Backbone of Strong Communities
Presentation Housing & Health: The Backbone of Strong Communities
Industry Award Honorees Affordable Housing Pioneer Award
Affordable Housing Leader Award
Ryan Moser Vice President, Strategy & Impact, CSH (Corporation for Supportive Housing)
Michael Bodaken National Housing Trust (1993–2018)
Henry Cisneros Housing and Urban Development (HUD) (1993–1997), Siebert Cisneros Shank & Co., LLC, City View
Panel Moderator
Panel Discussion: Speakers
Daniel J. Field Executive Director, Community Health & External Affairs, Kaiser Permanente
Stephen Brown Director of Preventive Emergency Medicine, University of Illinois Hospital
Joshua Bamberger Associate Clinical Professor, Family & Community Medicine, UCSF
Jason Helgerson Medicaid Director State of New York (January 2011–April 2018), Consultant, and Social Change Agent
Dr. Tiffany Manuel Vice President, Knowledge, Impact, & Strategy, Enterprise Community Partners, Inc.
Jonathan F. P. Rose Real Estate Developer, Urban Planner, Author, Founder of Jonathan Rose Companies
Kamillah Wood, MD, MPH, FAAP Senior Vice President, Health & Housing, SAHF (Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future)
Maria Torres-Springer Commissioner, NYC Department of Housing Preservation & Development
Housing & Health: The Backbone of Strong Communities 31
Pay for Success and Affordable Housing An Afternoon of Learning, An Evening of Recognition
Tuesday, October 17, Union Station, Washington, DC, 4:00–8:30 pm
2017 Symposium: Richard F. Burns, President & CEO, NHPF
THE NHP Foundation is proud to be hosting it’s first-ever Symposium and Dinner and I’m so pleased to welcome all of our esteemed dignitaries, guests and sponsors to what we hope will be an annual event. It’s heartening to see such tremendous industry support. We are overwhelmed by the outpouring from over 66 sponsors and all of you attending. The NHP Foundation’s sole purpose is to preserve and create affordable housing for economically challenged Americans. This year’s natural
disasters have added a sad exclamation point to our already dire need for more housing. But what we are doing with today’s Symposium and tonight’s Dinner offers concrete proof that NHPF will be there to provide generations to come with housing that is “more than a roof.” When I started with NHPF eight years ago, we had 15 properties in 14 states and the District of Columbia. Today, we have 43 properties in 15 states and the District of Columbia, housing over 20,000 residents, families and seniors with quality, service enriched housing they can proudly live and thrive in. We didn’t get here alone, though. Through a combination of individuals and companies who care, we have built a network of strong communities that enrich our residents’ lives and open the door to brighter futures. With brighter futures in mind, we’re continuously transforming the way we operate to improve our ability to acquire new properties, renovate them at reasonable cost and create new homes for renters across the country. Our employees and partners have continued to meet and exceed the challenges of today’s property market and we are excited about where we are headed. As industry leaders, each of you has the vision, the knowledge, the compassion and the experience to help us construct a blueprint for a successful future. In closing, I’d like to say that all of you are truly our greatest asset today and tomorrow, and we could not accomplish what we do without your support and guidance! Throughout this event, we ask that you remember how much we value what you do and how it enables what we do.
32 Pay for Success and Affordable Housing
The NHP Foundation 2017 Symposium Corporate Sponsors
Pay for Success and Affordable Housing 33
The NHP Foundation 2017 Symposium Pay for Success and Affordable Housing
Symposium Co-Chairs
Ralph F. Boyd, Jr. NHPF Trustee, Chair; President & Chief Executive Officer, SOME (So Others Might Eat)
Thomas A. Carr Managing Partner of Federal Capital Partners
Patricia Diaz Dennis Vice President & Assistant General Counsel, AT&T (retired)
Congressional Awards 2018 NHPF Affordable Housing Trailblazer Award Honorees
Industry Awards
Affordable Housing Ad- vocacy Award Honoree
Affordable Housing Vi- sionary Award Honoree
Todd J. Crow Executive Vice President & Manager, Tax Credit Capital, PNC Real Estate
Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA)
Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT)
Emily Cadik Executive Director, Affordable Housing Tax Credit Coalition (AHTCC)
34 Pay for Success and Affordable Housing
The NHP Foundation 2017 Symposium Pay for Success and Affordable Housing
Academic Study Pay for Success and Affordable Housing
Panel Discussion Affordable Housing: Shaping the Future Today Speakers
Maya Brennan Research Associate, Urban Institute
Emily Cadik Executive Director, Affordable Housing Tax Credit Coalition (AHTCC)
Thom Amdur Executive Director, National Housing & Rehabilitation Association
Stephen M. Green COO/CIO, The NHP Foundation
Stefano Rumi Senior Research Fellow, Pay for Success Lab, University of Virginia
Panel Moderator
Andrew M. Grumet Partner, Drinker Biddle
Mark Ragsdale Senior Vice President, PNC Bank
Michael Novogradac CPA, Novogradac & Company LLP
Michele Lerner Real estate/personal finance writer; contributor to the Washington Post
Pay for Success and Affordable Housing 35
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