NHPF Survey Compendium

• Revisit regulations to make them more consistent across programs. Aligning program rules can make it easier for private-sector actors to work in partnership with the public sector producing greater impacts.

6. Be open to bold, new funding ideas

• Consider cryptocurrency. Miami introduced its local cryptocurrency, Miami Coin, which “in under 60 days, generated about $7.5M for the city and can be used for affordable housing.” • Look to other countries. Learn from policies which support stable, affordable rental housing. In these case studies on rental housing specifically in six developed countries, the U.S. stands out as “having spent the least amount of GDP on housing compared to other rich countries.”

7. Capitalize on a Readiness to Address Racial Inequity

• Pursue policies and programs at all levels of government to reverse decades of redlining, home appraisal discrimination, and unequal access to quality housing. • Invest in long under-served populations and places. Among other things, there is a consensus recommendation for strong enforcement and potential expansion of anti-discrimination legislation such as the Fair Housing Act and the Community Reinvestment Act.



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